Kuopio, ilmakuva syksy

City Customer Services in Kuopio

At your service.

City Customer Services

Suokatu 42

Location on map

Kuopio tourist information

City customer service desk helps tourists with all of their questions. Customer service desk is located in Council Office Building and you can also get service by phone or via chat.

From customer service you can get free maps, brochures and local tips. Tickets for shows of Kuopio City Theater and Kuopio Music Center can be bought from Sokos, R-kioski, www.lippu.fi and by phone; 0600 900 900.

You can get service in Finnish and English.

Location and contact information

  • Customer Service at the Council Office Building
  • Suokatu 42, 70110 Kuopio
  • tel. +358 17 182 584

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Did you know?

Kuopio has the happiest residents among the largest cities in Finland.


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