Kolmisoppi-Neulamäki retkeilyreitti Kuopiossa, Neulamäen näköalapaikka

Kolmisoppi-Neulamäki recreation area

Three nature trails goes through the nature reserve.

Kolmisoppi-Neulamäki recreation area

Pilpantie 142

Location on map

Kolmisoppi-Neulamäki nature reserve

Kolmisoppi-Neulamäki area’s three nature trails goes through the nature reserve. Nature trails are between two and five kilometers. The trails pass through the beautiful Vuorilampi area, Neulamäki mountain, large boulders carved during the ice age, ancient forests, ferns and the old Yoldia seashore from about 11,000 years ago.

Neulamäen kierto -trail leads through Vuorilampi and Tervaruukki to Neulamäki. The effort of climbing to the top of the Neulamäki is rewarded by the amazing cliffs and the scenery that opens from them. The height differences of the trail are up to hundred meters, which makes the trail unsuitable for people with weak condition.

Vanhan metsän kierto – trail (4km) goes partly on the same route as the Neulamäen kierto, and Pikkukierto (2km) connects the Neulamäen kierto -trail with Vanhan metsän kierto -trail at the Vuorilampi campfire site.

Hiking can be started from the northwest end of Kolmisoppi pond, where is also a small parking lot for cars, or from Neulamäki, from the end of Juontotie.

Starting points

  • Parking lot: Pilpantie 142, 70700 Kuopio
  • Street parking in Juontotie, 70150 Kuopio
  • Local busses 4 & 8, bus stop: Juontotie I
Ilmakuva Vuorilammesta, Neulamäki-Kolmisoppi retkeilyreitiltä

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